Humidities of the ceiling and walls of Chamber A

Humidities of the ceiling and walls of Chamber A

Crystallized salts in the ceiling

Toilets and rest area in Deir el Bahari

Losses of water in the tank

Effects of the loss of water

In Chamber A. Mr. Yasser, SCA Inspector, Mr. Francisco Mart�n Valent�n, Project Manager; Mr. Ali el Asfar, SCA Manager for the West Bank; Mr. Mohamed, SCA restorer

In Chamber A. Francisco Mart�n Valent�n and Dr. Ali el Asfar

In Chamber A. Mr. Juan Mart�n Rojo and Mr. Luis Abad, architects of the Project

Outside the monument. Mr. Juan Mart�n Rojo and Mr. Luis Abad, architects of the Project

In Chamber A. Mr. Juan Mart�n Rojo

Making measurements of verification, Teresa Bedman

Outside, Teresa Bedman and Luis Abad

Entrance stairs to the monument

Inside the monument, during the process of cleaning in very hard conditions

Francisco Mart�n Valentin, inside during the cleaning process of the stairs

Descent stairs to Chamber A, before its cleaning

Descent stairs to Chamber A, after its cleaning

Outside the monument. Mr. Yasser, SCA Inspector; Dr. Holeil Gahly, Upper Egypt Manager; Mr. Francisco Mart�n Valent�n, Project Manager; Mr. Mahmud, SCA Inspector

Chamber A after its cleaning. Clean and non clean floor can be appreciated

Part of the staff: Mahmud, Juan Martin Rojo, Ahmed, Badawi, Francisco Martin, Luis Abad, Mohamed Aly, Teresa Bedman and Haggag

The staff: Ramadan, SCA Inspector; Ahmed; Ahmed Mohamed; Mohamed; Yasser, SCA Inspector; Naga; Haggag; Mohamed Aly; Francisco Martin Valentin; Ibrahim; Badawi; Mahmud, Guardians's Chief from Deir el Bahari; Teresa Bedman; Isabelle R�gen from IFAO and Sandrine Zanatta-Weber from IFAO